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Pre-Workshop Essay #1 How to practice so that your body feels BETTER afterwards

In my upcoming workshop I've advertised four main benefits:

1) How to practice so that your body feels BETTER afterwards 2) How to relax without losing your ability to play fast or loud 3) How to use your whole body so playing music feels effortless and comfortable 4) A single thought that relieves stress without losing focus

Over the next few days I'll write a little about how we're going to cover each.


How to practice so that your body feels BETTER afterwards

If you have pain every time you practice you might wonder if this is even possible.

After all, you've had the evidence of so many hundreds of practice sessions after which you've felt worse, not better.

Well, I've discovered a way of structuring your practice that provides immediate relief from pain and strain. I call it "lowering the stimulus."

You see, our brains can only take in a certain amount of information at one time and when we exceed that limit by trying to learn too much, too quickly, our brain says "no!" and tightens your muscles.

You can see this very clearly in the difference between a beginner's awkward movements and a master's graceful flow.

You don't have to wait months and months to develop that flow, however: you can do it right from the first time to play a piece. Here's what you do: 1) Play only two or three notes at a time. 2) Play them slowly. 3) Repeat them until they become effortless. 4) Have patience and don't rush ahead! Taking the time to truly master each bite-sized chunk to the point of effortless is where the real magic happens. 5) Repeat this process with other bite-sized chunks until you have the whole phrase covered. 6) Take a break and lay down on the floor for 5 minutes. You've done some good work and now your body needs a rest. 7) Now go back and play the whole phrase. If there are any parts where you still make mistakes, go back to the initial process and master just two or three notes at a time to the point of effortlessness.

And that's it!

If you practice in this way, you brain has plenty of time to take in what you're learning and won't throw up its defenses by tightening your body to the point of strain.

In my workshop on the 12th (only ten days from now) you will learn this and other techniques that will transform your practicing from the ground up. You will feel relaxed, focused, and inspired!

For all the details on the workshop, follow this link:

Only 4 spots left in this workshop! Be sure to RSVP ASAP!

Cheers, Joseph Arnold

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